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“I Should” Healing Sessions
The word “should” creates pain for us because we often use it to make ourselves wrong. An “I Should” Healing Session is one of the most powerful tools I know of for transforming limiting thoughts into positive beliefs in a short amount of time.
We “should on ourselves” in an attempt to motivate ourselves to take action…
“I should lose weight”
“I should spend less and save more money”
“I should meditate”
“I should be more organized”
The changes we seek are positive! However, the energy of the word “should” is one of constriction. Most of us can even feel tightness in our stomach or chest as we ponder our shoulds. Not very inspiring, is it?
In a private session, I guide you to shift the energy and tap into inspiration so you can get the positive results your soul is craving. Come prepared with 5-6 of your “I should” statements and show up ready for transformation! Cost is $97. USD for a 45 minute session.