Is there any significance for us to Charles Manson’s passing on? I like to think, yes. I’m sort of a self-proclaimed aficionado on that true crime case specifically, having been drawn to the psychological implications. In a reaching out for love, young women and men (mostly women), found comfort in someone 10-20 years their senior, who had studied philosophy and religion, who knew the magic words we all long to hear – “I love and accept you exactly as you are.” That was the bait, but it came with a price… that of forgetting who you are – and denying your own ability to access wisdom and truth.
There is no need to obey a guru over what your own heart tells you. From Manson to the Pope… Trust only your own intuition. Manson specifically appealed to young girls. He wasn’t always wearing that crazy look featured on the cover of Life magazine. And he didn’t have anything carved in his forehead. He had a guitar and thought-provoking riddles… and LSD. The 60’s and 70’s were a time of great expansion and contraction here in America. Freedom of mind was so important to those young girls… so important that they left their families to get it, and then handed it over again to a man who treated them quite abusively, quite brutally. Yet they stayed, some even participating in the notorious crimes.
I see Manson’s death as yet another symbol of the turnover to a softer world, where we are guided by the “feminine” aspects of intuition and heart-centered decision-making. Can we as women, and men, know that we are enough? That we don’t need the approval of anyone outside of us? That we deserve unconditional love? That we know when we feel bad in our belief system that it’s time to leave it behind? That we don’t need to be obedient to any guru but the guru within?
With Manson’s energy now in the ethers, can we do an unpopular thing and wish it love? Can we send it good thoughts, and see it as neutralized, so that it dissolves and goes forth in harmony?
We have so much to learn from those who lived that story, and I whole-heartedly choose to believe that the victims knew, on a spiritual-level, that they’d be part of a very significant lesson that we all needed to learn – and I honor those beings for that from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Namaste. Peace to you all.